Mathematica Notes

This website has been hosted for a long time by Wolfram Research, Inc, makers of Mathematica, for no particularly good reason other than that I'm a co-founder of the company and nobody really noticed it on our employee homepage server or cared to question it if they did.

However, over time my site has grown both in size and popularity to the point that it now consumes a significant amount of network bandwidth on a daily basis, and much more whenever my sodium party is mentioned on slashdot again.

After a particularly bad slashdot day, in which the rest of Wolfram Research was rendered difficult to access because of my stupid sodium videos, I decided that something had to be done. We have instituted bandwidth limitations that can sometimes make the site a bit slow.

And, I have decided that the site should pay its own way by promoting Mathematica. I am adding a number of little anecdotes throughout the site showing off the ways in which I use Mathematica in creating the website, as well as more general comments about Mathematica and what a wonderful thing it is.

I hope you won't consider these as banner ads, though in some cases they are fairly shameless. The fact is, I'm heavily involved in the creation of Mathematica, I think it's really great, and I use it many hours every day, day in and day out for virtually any project I'm involved in. (And you should too, of course.) This means it's really quite easy for me to find good things to say about Mathematica, and I'm happy to do so. If you read a few of them, you may find yourself learning something you didn't know, maybe something that could be very helpful on your next project or homework assignment.

There are also some really nice graphics listed as pretend element samples along with the Mathematica anecdotes. You can see a list of them all in periodic table layout or larger in a table. Click on any one get get a bigger version and an explanation of what it's about.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: This website is my personal creation, and everything on it is written or photographed by me (with very, very few exceptions that are duly noted). All the Mathematica notes are my own writing: There is no marketing-speak on this site and never will be. I am also fully and solely responsible for the contents of the site, with Wolfram Research, Inc acting as nothing more than a web host who exercises no control over the contents of the site. If there is anything libelous, anything that infringes any copyright, any dangerous instructions, or anything that's just plain stupid, it is entirely my responsibility, not theirs.

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