Stable Elements (80)

These elements are entirely stable (non-radioactive).

Click any element tile below to get the full entry for that element, or click on the sample picture to go directly to the description of that sample.

Text and images Copyright (c) 2003 by Theodore W.Gray.

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001 Hydrogen
001 Hydrogen
002 Helium
002 Helium
003 Lithium
003 Lithium
004 Beryllium
004 Beryllium
005 Boron
005 Boron
007 Nitrogen
007 Nitrogen
008 Oxygen
008 Oxygen
009 Fluorine
009 Fluorine
010 Neon
010 Neon
011 Sodium
011 Sodium
012 Magnesium
012 Magnesium
013 Aluminum
013 Aluminum
014 Silicon
014 Silicon
015 Phosphorus
015 Phosphorus
016 Sulfur
016 Sulfur
017 Chlorine
017 Chlorine
018 Argon
018 Argon
020 Calcium
020 Calcium
021 Scandium
021 Scandium
022 Titanium
022 Titanium
023 Vanadium
023 Vanadium
024 Chromium
024 Chromium
025 Manganese
025 Manganese
026 Iron
026 Iron
027 Cobalt
027 Cobalt
028 Nickel
028 Nickel
029 Copper
029 Copper
030 Zinc
030 Zinc
031 Gallium
031 Gallium
032 Germanium
032 Germanium
033 Arsenic
033 Arsenic
034 Selenium
034 Selenium
035 Bromine
035 Bromine
036 Krypton
036 Krypton
037 Rubidium
037 Rubidium
038 Strontium
038 Strontium
039 Yttrium
039 Yttrium
040 Zirconium
040 Zirconium
041 Niobium
041 Niobium
042 Molybdenum
042 Molybdenum
044 Ruthenium
044 Ruthenium
045 Rhodium
045 Rhodium
046 Palladium
046 Palladium
047 Silver
047 Silver
049 Indium
049 Indium
050 Tin
050 Tin
051 Antimony
051 Antimony
052 Tellurium
052 Tellurium
053 Iodine
053 Iodine
054 Xenon
054 Xenon
055 Cesium
055 Cesium
056 Barium
056 Barium
057 Lanthanum
057 Lanthanum
058 Cerium
058 Cerium
059 Praseodymium
059 Praseodymium
060 Neodymium
060 Neodymium
062 Samarium
062 Samarium
063 Europium
063 Europium
064 Gadolinium
064 Gadolinium
065 Terbium
065 Terbium
066 Dysprosium
066 Dysprosium
067 Holmium
067 Holmium
068 Erbium
068 Erbium
069 Thulium
069 Thulium
070 Ytterbium
070 Ytterbium
071 Lutetium
071 Lutetium
072 Hafnium
072 Hafnium
073 Tantalum
073 Tantalum
074 Tungsten
074 Tungsten
075 Rhenium
075 Rhenium
076 Osmium
076 Osmium
077 Iridium
077 Iridium
078 Platinum
078 Platinum
079 Gold
079 Gold
080 Mercury
080 Mercury
081 Thallium
081 Thallium
082 Lead
082 Lead
083 Bismuth
083 Bismuth
Electrons Electrons
Electrons Electrons
Protons Protons
Protons Protons