Radioactive Elements (38)

These elements are radioactive. They either have no stable naturally occurring isotope, or else are entirely artificial (all artificial elements have no stable isotopes).

Click any element tile below to get the full entry for that element, or click on the sample picture to go directly to the description of that sample.

Text and images Copyright (c) 2003 by Theodore W.Gray.

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043 Technetium
043 Technetium
061 Promethium
061 Promethium
084 Polonium
084 Polonium
085 Astatine
085 Astatine
086 Radon
086 Radon
087 Francium
087 Francium
088 Radium
088 Radium
089 Actinium
089 Actinium
090 Thorium
090 Thorium
091 Protactinium
091 Protactinium
092 Uranium
092 Uranium
093 Neptunium
093 Neptunium
094 Plutonium
094 Plutonium
095 Americium
095 Americium
096 Curium
096 Curium
097 Berkelium
097 Berkelium
098 Californium
098 Californium
099 Einsteinium
099 Einsteinium
100 Fermium
100 Fermium
101 Mendelevium
101 Mendelevium
102 Nobelium
102 Nobelium
103 Lawrencium
103 Lawrencium
104 Rutherfordium
104 Rutherfordium
105 Dubnium
105 Dubnium
106 Seaborgium
106 Seaborgium
107 Bohrium
107 Bohrium
108 Hassium
108 Hassium
109 Meitnerium
109 Meitnerium
110 110
110 110
111 111
111 111
112 112
112 112
113 113
113 113
114 114
114 114
115 115
115 115
116 116
116 116
117 117
117 117
118 118
118 118
Neutrons Neutrons
Neutrons Neutrons